BE:FIRST are going on their first world tour! BE:FIRST World Tour 2025 -Who is BE:FIRST?- will hit 15 cities across the United States, Europe and Asia starting from April! Tickets are already on sale.



BMSG Shinki Renshuusei Audition (BMSG 新規練習生 AUDITION; BMSG New Trainee Audition) was an audition for BMSG Trainees.

Through this audition, BMSG was looking for new talents who have the will to become an artist and who can either sing, dance or rap to join the company as new trainees.

Audition Details[]

  • Application Requirements:
    1. Male
    2. Enrolled in the first year of middle school up to the second year of high school as of October 2022.
    3. Born between April 2, 2005 and April 1, 2010
    4. Must not currently be under contract with any agencies, record labels, or production companies.
    5. Must be able to work as a BMSG trainee after passing the audition (residence is negotiable)
  • Application Deadline: October 31, 2022

Audition Process[]

First Round[]

Web Applications

Applications started on October 14 and ended on October 31.

Candidates were asked to:

  • State their dancing and singing/rapping experience in years and months
  • Submit a full body picture and a picture from the bust-up.
  • Submit a video of them dancing and another one singing or rapping.
  • Describe their career to date and the reason for applying.
gpSTUDIO Audition

A parallel, in-person audition was conducted at gpSTUDIO in Osaka on November 3. Applications were accepted from October 23 until November 2.
The casting team consisted of BMSG trainees' director Hamamoto Yumi and dancer and choreographer Show-hey.

Candidates were asked to:

  • Introduce themselves
  • Perform a capella for 30 seconds up to 1 minute (choose either singing, dancing OR rapping)
    • Dancers could use a one minute track of their choosing for their performance if they so desired

Note: candidates for the in-person audition could be enrolled in the third year of high school.

Second Round[]

The second round took place on November 27 in Tokyo, where all candidates who had passed the first round gathered and were evaluated by SKY-HI[1].


While results were never officially announced, it can be assumed that the winners of the audition were

The three of them appeared on SKY-HI's D.U.N.K. music video, shot in January 2023, and subsequently joined the trainees in April 2023 (except COTA, who officially joined in September).

